Entradas a Dinópolis

1-Day Ticket

Main park with free parking. Includes the use of all the contents: themed tours, museum, simulator, 3D cinema, shows, children's attractions, etc.


From 12 to 59 years old.



From 4 to 11 years old



Over 60 years old.



From 0 to 3 years old. Free access.


All Venue Combined Ticket

For just €3 more, buy your tickets for Dinópolis Teruel and the rest of the venues in the province. And also, with this ticket, take home something very special as a gift to play and entertain yourself even more! IMPORTANT: The Legendark headquarters, located in the town of Galve, has to close its doors to the public for the remainder of the 2024 season, due to the damage caused by the strong storms that fell in said town in Teruel on September 2. Those people who during this 2024 season have purchased tickets for Dinópolis and its 7 venues, and have not yet visited the Legendark headquarters, will be able to access it on any opening day of the 2025 season while keeping their ticket from this year. You must select the day you will visit the Dinópolis Teruel center in the purchasing process. The remaining enclosures (which will be open until 3/11/2024) can be visited throughout the season (one entrance per enclosure).It is not necessary to visit them on consecutive days. It is essential to keep the ticket. For reasons of hygiene and safety, it is not permitted to bring food or drink into the park. Once you have left the park, you will not be able to re-enter.See here how to access each enclosure.

Dinópolis + Legendark + Inhóspitak + Región Ambarina + Bosque Pétreo + Mar Nummus Adult Ticket

From 12 to 59 years old. Valid to visit Dinópolis Teruel (valid access for the selected day) + all venues (one access per venue throughout the 2021 season). It is not necessary to visit them on consecutive days. It is essential to keep the ticket. Once you have left it, you will not be able to re-enter.

71,50 €


Dinópolis + Legendark + Inhóspitak + Región Ambarina + Bosque Pétreo + Mar Nummus + Titania + Valcaria Junior Ticket

From 4 to 11 years old. Valid to visit Dinópolis Teruel (valid access for the selected day) + all venues (one access per venue throughout the 2021 season). It is not necessary to visit them on consecutive days. It is essential to keep the ticket. Once you have left it, you will not be able to re-enter.

57,50 €


Dinópolis + Legendark + Inhóspitak + Región Ambarina + Bosque Pétreo + Mar Nummus + Titania + Valcaria Senior Ticket

Over 60 years old. Valid to visit Dinópolis Teruel (valid access for the selected day) + all venues (one access per venue throughout the 2021 season). It is not necessary to visit them on consecutive days. It is essential to keep the ticket. Once you have left it, you will not be able to re-enter.

57,50 €


Dinópolis + Legendark + Inhóspitak + Región Ambarina + Bosque Pétreo + Mar Nummus + Titania + Valcaria Dinobaby Ticket

From 0 to 3 years old. Free access. Valid to visit Dinópolis Teruel (valid access for the selected day) + all venues (one access per venue throughout the 2021 season). It is not necessary to visit them on consecutive days. It is essential to keep the ticket. Once you have left it, you will not be able to re-enter.


Inhospitak (Peñarroya de Tastavins) Tickets

Checkherehow to access each site.

Inhóspitak Adult Ticket

From 12 to 59 years old. Valid for 1 day in the Inhóspitak Enclosure (190 kms from Dinópolis Teruel).


Inhóspitak Junior Ticket

From 4 to 11 years old. Valid for 1 day in the Inhóspitak Enclosure (190 kms from Dinópolis Teruel).


Inhóspitak Senior Ticket

Over 60 years old. Valid for 1 day in the Inhóspitak Enclosure (190 kms from Dinópolis Teruel).


Inhóspitak Dinobaby Ticket

From 0 to 3 years old. Free access. Valid for 1 day in the Inhóspitak Enclosure (190 kms from Dinópolis Teruel).


Región Ambarina (Rubielos de Mora) Tickets

Checkhere how to access each site.

Región Ambarina Adult Ticket

From 12 to 59 years old. Valid for 1 day in the Amber Region Enclosure (55 kms from Dinópolis Teruel).


Región Ambarina Junior Ticket

From 4 to 11 years old. Valid for 1 day in the Amber Region Enclosure (55 kms from Dinópolis Teruel).


Región Ambarina Senior Ticket

Over 60 yearsold. Valid for 1 day in the Amber Region Enclosure (55 kms from Dinópolis Teruel).


Región Ambarina Dinobaby Ticket

From 0 to 3 years old. Free access. Valid for 1 day in the Amber Region Enclosure (55 kms from Dinópolis Teruel).


Bosque Pétreo (Castellote) Tickets

Checkhere how to access each site.

Bosque Pétreo Adult Ticket

From 12 to 59 years old. Valid for 1 day in the Stone Forest Enclosure (110 kms from Dinópolis Teruel).


Bosque Pétreo Junior Ticket

From 4 to 11 years old. Valid for 1 day in the Stone Forest Enclosure (110 kms from Dinópolis Teruel).


Bosque Pétreo Senior Ticket

Over 60 years old. Valid for 1 day in the Stone Forest Enclosure (110 kms from Dinópolis Teruel).


Bosque Pétreo Dinobaby Ticket

From 0 to 3 years old. Free access. Valid for 1 day in the Stone Forest Enclosure (110 kms from Dinópolis Teruel).


Mar Nummus (Albarracín) Tickets

Checkherehow to access each site.

Mar Nummus Adult Ticket

From 12 to 59 years old. Valid for 1 day in the Nummus Sea Enclosure (38 kms from Dinópolis Teruel).


Mar Nummus Junior Ticket

From 4 to 11 years old. Valid for 1 day in the Nummus Sea Enclosure (38 kms from Dinópolis Teruel).


Mar Nummus Senior Ticket

Over 60 years old. Valid for 1 day in the Nummus Sea Enclosure (38 kms from Dinópolis Teruel).


Mar Nummus Dinobaby Ticket

From 0 to 3 years old. Free access. Valid for 1 day in the Nummus Sea Enclosure (38 kms from Dinópolis Teruel).


Tickets Titania (Riodeva)

Checkherehow to access each site.

Titania Adult Ticket

From 12 to 59 years old. Valid for 1 day in the Titania Enclosure (42 kms from Dinópolis Teruel).


Titania Junior Ticket

From 4 to 11 years old. Valid for 1 day in the Titania Enclosure (42 kms from Dinópolis Teruel).


Titania Senior Ticket

Over 60 years old. Valid for 1 day in the Titania Enclosure (42 kms from Dinópolis Teruel).


Titania Dinobaby Ticket

From 0 to 3 years old. Free access. Valid for 1 day in the Titania Enclosure (42 kms from Dinópolis Teruel).


Tickets Valcaria (Ariño)

Checkhere how to access each site.

Valcaria Adult Ticket

From 12 to 59 years old. Valid for 1 day in the Valcaria Enclosure (120 kms from Dinópolis Teruel).


Valcaria Junior Ticket

From 4 to 11 years old. Valid for 1 day in the Valcaria Enclosure (120 kms from Dinópolis Teruel).


Valcaria Senior Ticket

Over 60 years old. Valid for 1 day in the Valcaria Enclosure (120 kms from Dinópolis Teruel).


Valcaria Dinobaby Ticket

From 0 to 3 years old. Free access. Valid for 1 day in the Valcaria Enclosure (120 kms from Dinópolis Teruel).


Productos para empaquetar

Tarifa exclusiva para empaquetar con alojamiento, transportes, actividades u otros servicios.

Dinopolis Junior Ticket

For persons aged 4 to 11 inclusive. Valid for 1 day.


Information and Conditions

✔ The venue allows changes and cancellations up to 24 hours (1.0 days) before the start of the access day from our My Purchases section.

✔ E-tickets on your phone or printed

✔ You will receive your PDF tickets by email (ready to download and print) after completing the online payment securely.

✔ Disabled entrance only available in the park

✔ The main venue is Dinópolis. The rest with enclosures are separated throughout Teruel, where they have found dinosaur remains.

✔ Free parking

Your Experience at Dinópolis Teruel

🦖 Step back in time and immerse yourself in the amazing world of dinosaurs at Dinópolis Teruel.

🦴 Explore giant skeletons, enjoy thrilling attractions and live shows, and meet an impressive animatronic Tyrannosaurus rex in this prehistoric adventure.

🏞️ Dinópolis Teruel seamlessly combines education and entertainment for a perfect day with your loved ones.

If you've ever wondered how much time you need to see Dinópolis, you'll be glad to know that a day is enough to explore this fascinating theme park in Teruel.

With a wide variety of attractions, including dinosaur exhibits, shows, 3D theaters, and more, you'll have plenty to do.

At Dinópolis, you'll discover the history of dinosaurs on an educational and exciting journey. The name "Dinópolis" combines "dino" (from dinosaur) and "polis" (city), meaning "city of dinosaurs." So, if you're wondering where to see dinosaurs in Spain, Dinópolis is the perfect place. Get ready for an unforgettable prehistoric experience!

People love to purchase their tickets on Satoorday

✔ 24/7 customer support from your account.

✔ We don't waste your time: our purchasing process is the easiest, fastest, and most intuitive,

✔ We don't ask for unnecessary personal data.  

✔ Carry digital tickets on your mobile.

✔ Accumulate discounts with every purchase